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what's happening in town 

2024 AAPI Heritage Celebration at Newton CIty Hall


On May 10, NESN organized an AAPI Heritage Month celebration at Newton City Hall, where Newton citizens of all ethnic backgrounds came together to commemorate the occasion.

China Town Hall 2024


Celebrating Chinese New Year 2024

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Meeting with New Superintendent Dr. Anna Nolin

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On April 9, NESN helped organize the China Town Hall under the auspices of the National Committee on US-China Relations (NCUSCR). NCUSCR has been organizing a nationwide China Town Hall since 2007 to discuss the pressing issues concerning the relations between the two nations, one of the most important and impactful bilateral relationships in our world. This year the Town Hall featured Deputy Secretary of State Dr. Kurt Campbell in conversation with National Committee President Stephen Orlins, followed by local discussions across the nation. The New England Chinese American Alliance (NECAA) served as the main host and NESN helped organize this important local town hall at Newton City Hall. The first hour of the Town Hall was the national webcast of Dr. Campbell’s talk, and the next one hour and a half included the remarks from Professor Min Ye at Boston University and Congressman Jake Auchincloss, as well as from other experts and community leaders (including NESN founder Dr Anping Shen), with the Q/A session in the end for the audience to share their thoughts and ask questions. We also invited Newton Mayor Fuller joining us and delivering the welcoming address. NESN board member Dr. Lisong Liu wad the local coordinator for this event and moderated the Town Hall discussions. 4月9日(星期二)晚上7点至9点30分NESN在牛顿市政厅作为协办方参与了中国问题讨论会。美中关系全国委员会(NCUSCR)自 2007 年以来一直在全国范围内组织中国问题讨论会,探讨有关中美关系这一当今世界最重要的双边关系之一的紧迫问题。今年的讨论会首先是全国委员会主席斯蒂芬·奥林斯对副国务卿库尔特·坎贝尔博士的专访,随后是全国各个地方的社区讨论。 新英格兰华裔美国人联盟 (NECAA) 作为本地主办方,牛顿教育促进会(NESN)作为协办方一起在牛顿市政厅大礼堂组织了这一活动。讨论会的第一个小时是坎贝尔博士专访的全国网络直播,接下来的一个半小时包括波士顿大学叶敏教授和国会议员杰克·奥金克洛斯以及其他专家和社区领袖(包括NESN创办人沈安平博士)的发言,最后是问答环节,听众提出不少问题并分享自己的想法。我们还邀请了牛顿市长富勒女士致欢迎辞。NESN董事会成员刘立松博士组织并主持本次中国问题讨论会。




On 7/16/2023, NESN organized a community meet and greet with the new superintendent, Dr. Anna Nolin. More than 30 parents and students attended the meeting despite a heavy storm. Dr. Nolin talked about the difference she has noticed between her old school district, Natick, and Newton. The new superintendent also talked about her plans, which included establishing a new family connection center. She also addressed the fact that more than 20% of Newton families have children in private schools. She expressed hopes to develop the public school system to attract more parents and students. A number of parents raised specific questions, such as lunch plans, etc., and Dr. Nolin has given advice on individual questions in response. Lastly, 

Dr. Nolin provided the link to a survey called "Thought Exchange," where parents can freely express their thoughts on various aspects of the school system and are also encouraged to rate the thoughts shared by other parents and caregivers. Here is the link to the survey. 


Proposal to recognize the Lunar New Year's Day as a Newton School holiday 


To support the Asian Community's proposal to the School District to recognize the Lunar New Year as a Newton School District holiday, Newton Education Support Network (NESN) has produced a video celebrating the Lunar New Year. Please help promote the agenda by clicking on the YouTube video here. Thanks for your support!

9/10/2022 亚美节集会

2022 Asian American Festival





希望大家加入我们牛顿教育促进会的队伍,一起展示牛顿人参与社区文化的精神风貌。当天早上请找我们牛顿教育促进会的横幅在Boston Comment集合

Upcoming events

Panel Discussion:

College Application

Please pay attention to our upcoming panel discussion notice: College Application. Our panelists include 2023 and 2024 High School Graduators. 

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